Amateur Theatre at the University of Science and Technology (TAUST)
Activities and objectives of the TAUST association (Théâtre Amateur à l'Université des...
Activities and objectives of the association L.I.C.O.R.N.E.S. is a non-profit...
Le Vieux Biclou
Activities and objectives of the association Le Vieux Biclou is an associative workshop...
ESN Montpellier
Activities and objectives of ESN Montpellier is an association with the aim of...
Students for Sustainable Development Association (EDDA)
Activities and objectives of the association The EDDA association (student association) of...
Association d'Aquariophilie et de Terrariophilie de l'Université de Montpellier (AATUM)
Activities and objectives of the association The AATUM association aims to promote...
Association PromPPC (PsyCoach)
Activities and objectives of the association The PromPPC association (also known as...
Association Prom'APA
Activities and objectives of the association Prom'APA is a student association whose purpose...
Objectif Officine (O2)
Activities and objectives of the association Created in 2014, "Objectif Officine" is aimed at...
Montpellier Health Tutoring Association (ATSM)
The association's activities and objectives The primary mission of tutoring is to re-establish...
AS Médecine Montpellier (ASMM)
Association activities and objectivesThis sports association is made up of 3-4 members...
Oenology Corporation
Activities and objectives of the associationThe association brings together oenology students from...
Montpellier Association of Orthoptic Students (AMEO)
Activities and objectives of the association AMEO is a student association created in...
Louis Fine and Daisy Bel (BDE Audio Montpellier - Agea Mtp)
The association's activities and objectivesLouis Fine et Daisy Bel brings together students from...
Montpellier Association of Student Midwives (AMESF)
Activities and objectives of the associationThe Montpellier Student Association...
Nîmes Student Midwifery Bureau (BDESFN)
The association's activities and objectivesSince 2001, the BDESFN association has brought together...