Montpellier Association of Orthoptic Students (AMEO)
Activities and objectives of the association AMEO is a student association created in...

Louis Fine and Daisy Bel (BDE Audio Montpellier - Agea Mtp)
The association's activities and objectivesLouis Fine et Daisy Bel brings together students from...

Montpellier Association of Student Midwives (AMESF)
Activities and objectives of the associationThe Montpellier Student Association...

Nîmes Student Midwifery Bureau (BDESFN)
The association's activities and objectivesSince 2001, the BDESFN association has brought together...

Corpo des Carabins Crocodiles (CCC)
The association's activities and objectivesThe Corpo des Carabins Crocodiles association plays...

Crocos of the world
The association's activities and objectivesCreated in 2007, "Crocos du monde" is a...

Med'ley Montpellier Association
The association's activities and objectivesMed'ley's aim is to bring music to life,...

Activities and objectives of the associationOrthofaso is an association under the French law of 1901, created in...

Syndicat des Internes du Languedoc-Roussillon (SILR)
Activities and objectives of the associationThe Syndicat des Internes du Languedoc-Roussillon (SILR)...

Tutorat Santé Nîmes (TSN)
The association's activities and objectivesTutorat Santé Nîmes brings together nearly 90 tutors in...

Montpellier Dental Surgery Students' Corporation (CECDM)
Activities and objectives of the associationThe CECDM's objective is to organize the...

Association of Pharmacy Students of Montpellier (AAEPM)
The association's activities and objectivesThe AAEPM implements actions to facilitate the...

Montpellier Association of Cosmetics and Anti-Aging Strategies
Activities and objectives of the associationThis association brings together students from...

SGM - Materials Science and Engineering - IUT Nîmes
Activities and objectives of the association The SGM association looks after the lives of...

Association of pharmacy interns at Montpellier-Nîmes hospitals (AIPHMN)
The association's activities and objectivesThe AIPHMN manages interns in the curriculum and...

Association Carabine Montpelliéraine (ACM)
Activities and objectives of the associationThe ACM is an association governed by the law of 1901,...