A l'UM la science [S02-ep17]: From the impact of menstrual protection on women's health to BioWooEB
Published on: March 09, 2023
This week in A l'UM la science Ignacio Bravo, virologist at Mivegec, reveals a study...
Alison Duncan: competition and mutual aid in parasites
A l'UM la science [S02-ep16]: From peluchology to flatsat and hackathon
Published on: February 16, 2023
This week, Thierry Brassac, scientific mediator at the University of Montpellier,...
"Materials for health, energy and the environment - From molecule to material".
At UM la science [S02-ep15]: From chronic pain to the 3D microtomograph
Published on: February 10, 2023
This week in A l'UM la science Cyril Rivat, a researcher at the INM, deciphers the...
BioCentre Lunaret Montpellier (BIOLuM)
Label: Unité d'Appui et de Research (UAR)Main supervisory bodies: CNRS, UMPôle de recherche...
Montpellier Data Science Institute (ISDM)
ISDM aims to provide a reference structure for federating forces and actions...
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme SUD - Science and Society United for Alternative Development
Label: Unité d'Appui et de Research (UAR)Main supervisory bodies: UPVM, CNRS, UMTutelles...
"Overview of methods for handling missing values".
Marie Morille: megastrategic nanoformulation
Data: an object of dialogue between business and academia
NUMEV seminar: "Atomisation and aerosolisation: a fluid mechanics perspective".
Christian Jay-Allemand: solution seeker
30 years of innovation with LIRMM
Published on: October 25, 2022
Founded in 1992, the laboratory for computer science, robotics and microelectronics at...
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme SUD - Sciences et société Unies pour un autre Développement (MSH-Sud)
Label: Unité d'Appui et de Research (UAR) Main supervisory bodies: UM, UPVM, CNRS SITE...
Montpellier Data Science Institute (ISDM)
ISDM, drawing on the excellence of its academic resources in management and operations...