EuroMov Digital Health in Motion (EuroMov DHM)
The "EuroMov Digital Health in Motion" research unit aims to encourage the fertilization...

Muscle dynamics and metabolism (DMEM)
The DMEM laboratory is a joint research unit of INRA and the University of...

Embryonic Development, Fertility and Environment (DEFE)
Label : Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)Tutelles principales : UM, Inserm, UPS ToulousePôle de...

Montpellier Cell Biology Center (CRBM) Research
The Montpellier cell biology research center is a laboratory of the CNRS and...

Center for the study of infectious diseases and anti-infectious pharmacology (CEMIPAI)
CEMIPAI is a service laboratory of the CNRS and the University of Montpellier, open to...

Center for Structural Biology (CBS)
The overall aim of the CBS is to conduct research at the cutting edge of structural biology,...

BioCampus Montpellier (BCM)
BioCampus Montpellier is a federative research structure that brings together 12...

Biocommunication in Cardiometabolics (BC2M)
Our unit project focuses on biocommunication between the cardiovascular/renal axis and the...

Sciences for Oenology (SPO)
The vocation of the Sciences pour l'Œnologie unit is to develop research...

Integrated approach to quality food production (QUALISUD)
The QualiSud unit develops scientific activities aimed at analyzing, understanding and...

Plant Health Institute of Montpellier (PHIM)
Numerous interactions take place between the various micro- and macro-organisms in...

Observatoire de Research Montpellierrain de l'Environnement (OREME)
OREME focuses its scientific activities on natural hazards and the impact of...

Infectious Diseases and Vectors: Ecology, Genetics, Evolution and Control (MIVEGEC)
MIVEGEC is developing integrative research into the molecular and ecological mechanisms that...

Marine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation (MARBEC)
The general objective of the UMR is to study the marine biodiversity of ecosystems...

Montpellier Institute of Evolutionary Sciences (ISEM)
ISEM's research focuses on the origins and dynamics of biodiversity, the...

Montpellier Institute of Plant Sciences (IPSIM)
The UMR IPSIM seeks to elucidate the physiological mechanisms that govern nutrition...