Nacim Guellati: a student who leaves no stone unturned!
Why so few women in French research?
Published on: September 19, 2019
Gender equality in research and innovation...
"My wife is a house painter... so what's the problem?"
Published on: 06 June 2019
More and more women are entering the construction industry to build their own homes...
UM at the summit of Mont Blanc
Published on: February 20, 2019
Putting the University of Montpellier on the roof of Europe - that's the project...
Flavie Coquel, for women and science
"School strike for the climate": high school students shake up the agenda
Published on: February 04, 2019
"I'd like them to forget their self-interest and take an interest in the climate": by...
UM ranks 2nd among French universities in the latest INPI rankings
Published: June 13, 2018
The University of Montpellier is ranked 2nd in France in the latest ranking of...
A "queer match": ordinary homophobia and enforced heterosexuality
Published on: June 12, 2018
Do you know how many footballers in the world embrace their homosexuality? And how were they...
Against LGBTI discrimination: the UM makes a commitment
Published on: May 14, 2018
LGBTI* discrimination? They deserve a good pair of GIFs. With this in mind,...
Full success for the "National Defense and Security" diploma
Published on: November 22, 2017
Launched in 2016, the "defense and security awareness" school diploma...
Students on the move
Published on: July 28, 2016
Forget your studies for the duration of an outing at sea: an out-of-this-world experience for 15 students...
Climate challenges
Published on: May 31, 2016
Jean Jouzel was the guest of honor at HydroGaïa 2016. On the climate future of...
Published on: November 16, 2015
The University of Montpellier would like to express its sorrow and solidarity with the victims...
UM runs for queen Montpellier
Published on: June 04, 2015
70 staff from the University of Montpellier wore the institution's colors at the...
UM women scientists on show in Chicago
Published on: April 22, 2015
From April 23 to May 23, portraits of women scientists from the UM will be on show at...