Doctoral training and HDR
Doctoral schools Doctoral schools attached to educational establishments...

Choose your course
Are you a high school student wondering about your future? The Educational Psychologists...

From studies to employment
OSIPE - Observatoire du Suivi et de l'Insertion Professionnelle des Étudiants - is a...

Help with professional integration
Would you like to do an internship? Would you like support in preparing for your career?

Linking secondary schools and universities
Bridging the gap between high school and university: how, who and where?

Orientation and reorientation
SCUIO-IP supports you in developing your project, from the construction of your…

Orientation Internship Employment
SCUIO-IP is there to support you throughout your study and integration project...

How mosquitoes bite us (and the consequences)
Published on: August 15, 2022
Ticks, mosquitoes, wasps, ants... In summer, the risk of encountering a little beast that...

Application, Admission & Registration
Application / Admission Consult the application and admission procedures on the...

Estimating the strength of Notre-Dame's vaults after the fire
Published on: August 02, 2022
A heritage disaster, the Notre-Dame fire in 2019 is also an opportunity to increase our...

International Relations Office
Each campus has an International Relations Office, which is responsible for...

Erasmus + training projects
The University of Montpellier has talent, and its teacher-researchers are not lacking...

[LUM#17] The Terahertz revolution
Published on: July 22, 2022
Seeing through matter... science fiction? Yet it's a reality made...

[LUM#17] A secure bridge to your connected devices
Published on: July 21, 2022
Your phone, your computer, your tablet, all these connected objects have one thing in common...

[LUM#16] Dangerous thawing
Published on: July 19, 2022
As the temperature rises, the ice melts, spilling hundreds of liters of water...

[LUM#16] Savings by the drop
Published on: July 18, 2022
Irrigating crops with wastewater? Install connected water meters for...