[LUM#7] Beauty unveiled
Published on: March 27, 2018
Faces, landscapes, works of art... At once universal and relative, beauty conceals many...

Sport doesn't cure cancer, but it can help.
Published on: March 26, 2018
Today, everything is said and written about the benefits of sport against cancer -...

iCEPS International Congress on Non-Drug Interventions

[LUM#7] From parking lot to orchard
Published on: March 20, 2018
Reconciling city and agriculture is the challenge taken up by the Montpellier metropolis, which...

Dietary supplements, meditation, osteopathy: how effective can alternative medicine be?
Published on: March 14, 2018
Today, alternative medicine is in great demand. A diet here. A supplement...

[LUM#7] When digital technology takes the field
Published: March 13, 2018
Will agriculture be saved by digital technology? That's the challenge facing the...

Science Bar "Artificial intelligence: stronger than the brain?"

[LUM#7] A world to feed
Published on: 06 March 2018
How can we ensure a satisfactory diet for an ever-expanding population while...

[LUM#7] Major soils
Published on: February 27, 2018
Preserving Mother Earth: that's the challenge facing agriculture...

COSA Evening - COnnexion Science & Art

[LUM#7] What are whistleblowers called?
Published on: February 20, 2018
Heroes for some, renegades for others, whistleblowers are nowadays...

Study day "Racism put to the test by science and genetics".

Conference - Debate "Women and criminal justice

[LUM#7] Prediction for a better cure
Published on: February 13, 2018
Individualized medicine that identifies risks specific to each person...

"Stealthing": when criminal law freezes at the gates of intimacy...
Published on: February 12, 2018
In this digital age, with the considerable development of social networks, the...