"Sleep disorders, a real nightmare".

"Energy transition: what citizens can do".

OSU OREME technical aperitif "Low-tech: concepts and implementation".

A l'UM la science [S02-ep11]: From the secret of batteries to the geochemistry plateau
Published on: January 12, 2023
This week on A l'UM la science, ICGM's Marie-Liesse Doublet reveals the secrets of...

Data: an object of dialogue between business and academia

Why do we get sick when it's cold?
Published on: January 10, 2023
Every child has heard "Cover up, you'll get sick" on a cold day, and...

"Quantum entanglement

Montpellier, ancestral capital of perfume

The Institut ExposUM is an initiative of the University of Montpellier and its partners...

NUMEV seminar: "Atomisation and aerosolisation: a fluid mechanics perspective".

Is the entrepreneurial culture really more developed elsewhere than in France?
Published on: January 02, 2023
Entrepreneurship is a key driver of social health and wealth....

The sun rises on UM-Japan partnerships
Published on: December 20, 2022
To mark Japan Week in Occitania, the University of Montpellier and the Société...

Support for international mobility - PEI [CLOSED]
Published on: December 16, 2022
As part of the I-SITE Excellence Program, the University of Montpellier is launching a call for...

"A look back at COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Call for research projects ExposUM 2023 : The emerging exposome
Published on: December 09, 2022
ExposUM is an initiative by the University of Montpellier and its partners to promote...

A l'UM la science [S02-ep10]: From coastal aquifers to polymers
Published on: December 08, 2022
This week on A l'UM la science, Linda Luquot, a researcher at Géosciences Montpellier and...