Carlos Jaramillo - 120 million years for one man

Montpellier-Sherbrooke, in tandem

Participate in the development and international influence of a Research...

CHARM-EU international Master's degree "Global challenges for sustainability" - new expanded version in 2025
Since 2021, the Charm-EU alliance of universities has been offering a master's degree,...

CHARM-EU European University
The University of Montpellier is a member of the CHARM-EU European University Alliance...

Regional, national and international schemes
Our ambition is to attract top-level scientists and facilitate the integration of young...

HRS4R - "HR Excellence in Research" label
Since March 2015, by becoming the 1st French university to receive from the Commission...

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
The University of Montpellier has won a call for tenders published by the United Nations...

"Accelerating the transition to sustainable development".
Launched in March 2019 as part of the I-SITE Excellence Program "Montpellier University...

Scientific appeal
Open to the world, the University of Montpellier contributes to the structuring of the...

François Pierrot, elected Vice President International Relations
Published on: March 14, 2023
At the suggestion of Chairman Philippe Augé, François Pierrot was elected Vice-Chairman in...

Water and sustainable cities: the solutions of the future emerge in Montpellier!
Published on: February 23, 2023
The theme of the event was "Water and the Sustainable City", and over 400 students,...

Oussama Khatib: diving into robotics

Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
Published on: February 10, 2023
In the wake of the deadly double earthquake that struck southern Turkey and the Gulf of Mexico on February 6,...

The CHARM effect
Published on: January 23, 2023
On December 14, the eight rectors of the CHARM-EU European University met...

The UM meets its future students
Published on: January 18, 2023
For its 33rd edition, the higher education fair took place at the Parc des...