Real Estate Department
Director: Monique Lambert-Sébastiani Deputy Director: Jean-Marc Perrin Missions:...

Apprentice training center
Trouver une formation <!-- --> Je chercheune formation à m’inscrire à…

Service Communitaire Universitaire d'Information, d'Orientation et d'Insertion Professionnelle (SCUIO-IP) (University Information, Orientation and Professional Integration Service)
Director: François Mirabel Administrative manager: Frédéric Faucher Missions : The...

Service Commun de Formation Continue
Director: Laurence Weil Assistant Director: Céline Ritterszki Missions : Training...

Training and Education Department
Director: Chrystèle Forges Assistant Director: Valérie Portier Missions : To implement...

Department of Scientific Culture and Historical Heritage
Director: Caroline Ducourau Missions: Preserve and enhance the collections Restore the...

International Relations Department
Director: Céline Delacourt-Gollain Assistant Director: Nadia Lagarde Missions : The...

Innovation and Partnerships Department
Director: Gaëtan Lan Sun Luk The Innovation and Partnerships Department is a major...

Research and Doctoral Studies Department
Director: Anne Bancel Assistant Director: Delphine Dolques Missions : The DRED aims to...

Departments and shared services
At the University of Montpellier, the departments are grouped around 5 main...

Digital health: UM "goes to school" with ESNbyUM
Published on: September 20, 2022
A pioneer in medicine for eight centuries, the University is determined to remain so in the age of...

Rouages: "Committing to a quality approach requires a strong commitment from all players".
Published on: September 14, 2022
Sylvie Narejos is in charge of the steering department and is responsible for the...

École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier (ENSCM)
General presentationThe École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier is a...

Polytech Montpellier, a university engineering school
Polytech Montpellier is a public engineering school, part of the University of Montpellier...

Montpellier Environmental Research Observatory (OREME)
General presentationThe Observatoire de Research Méditerranéen de l'Environnement, École...

IUT Nîmes
General presentationOpened in 1968, the IUT de Nîmes offers technical and scientific...